LinkedIn Training

  • December 08, 2015
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Birdville Fine Arts & Athletic Complex 9200 Mid Cities Blvd.


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AltaVista Strategic Partners LinkedIn Training


AltaVista will provide a three hour training course focused on how to maximize

LinkedIn. The course will cover four sections:

1. What is LinkedIn?

a. A quick summary of the platform, how it has changed, and why it is

important today

b. Creating a working definition of LinkedIn

2. Building a complete professional profile

a. Cover piece by piece the sections of the personal profile

b. Discuss content strategies for each section

c. Explain how the profile is a critical step in the LinkedIn selling process

3. Using LinkedIn to generate opportunities

a. Content posting strategies to create influence

b. Driving traffic to our profile

c. Organizing our contacts using built in CRM features

d. Soliciting new connections

e. Mass messaging our connections

f. Exporting connections into an excel spreadsheet

4. Executing the “social sales touch”

a. Using LinkedIn to stay in front of our clients/prospects

b. Getting our name/company back in front of prospects

c. The double/triple touch effect

At the conclusion of the training, all attendees will have developed a complete

understanding of how to:

  • Build a great profile on LinkedIn
  • Use LinkedIn to search out new prospects
  • Use LinkedIn to generate new opportunities to be added to our sales pipeline
  • Use LinkedIn to execute a “social touch” in the sales process


100 E. 15th Street, Suite 600

Fort Worth, Texas 76102

PHONE:  817-284-3566  |    FAX: 817-284-6465



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